Thursday, July 01, 2004


One more hit and it'll be a hundred already!! And with only, ooh, 40 odd of them being mine!! Quite an accomplishment for my third day.


  • At 6:17 pm, Blogger Bill said…

    Give it time and sign in on Google. Tis quality not quantity and if you want a link on my blog just say.

  • At 6:29 pm, Blogger Laura said…

    Well, if you're offering... yes please!

  • At 1:42 pm, Blogger Marie said…

    You *know* you've arrived when you've got a link on Tottyland.

    Meanwhile, I think you get more visitors than me already (I get anywhere between 10 and 40 a day, but that is visitors rather than hits) so not sure the link from struggingauthor will get you anything but kudos perhaps. I reckon Bill gets about 500 a day don't you lovely?

  • At 5:50 pm, Blogger Bill said…

    From 300 to 600 depending on content though I have had 2,000. You are though already getting more comments than I get.

  • At 2:44 pm, Blogger Marie said…

    But they're all from Pietros Maneos.

  • At 6:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Long live his holiness, Pietros Maneos!


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