Tuesday, July 20, 2004

How nackered am I.  Started work yesterday.  Ten hours a day, 5 days a week.  Phew! Spent so long bemoaning in my umemployed state that I needed a job, and now I have one I keep finding myself looking at the clock and checking to see if normally I'd be awake, never mind up and dressed, at that point in time.  Needless to say, the answer is usually no.  I'm telling you, its true what they say about students.  Bloody lazy. All of us.  As a history student I'm only scheduled 5 or 6 taught hours a week and the rest is independent reading.  Yes, I do spend a hell of a lot of time in the library (have to say, its my favourite part of the uni - should be, its the place I see the most of.  Besides pubs and clubs but they're not strictly part of the university.).  However, I can also say that I go back to sleep if I wake up and GMTV's still on.  And I don't start any work until after This Morning's finished, unless its really urgent.  In the last semester when my timetable changed and I had hardly any early mornings, I was seeing so much of Fearne and Phil that I was dreaming that I was seeing them in my local cinema.  And I'm not alone in this either.  Two of my flatmates share a similar affection for them, to the point that they looked up Philip Schofield on the net so that they could print his face onto a t-shirt.  I kid you not. 
My job is bloody fantastic though.  I work in a school holidays play scheme.  Its nackering because I'm always on my feet and can never sit still for longer than 3 seconds.  However, I also get PAID for watching videos, painting, playing with play dough and making all manner of crafts and things.  Lost count of how many times I watched Shrek last summer.  And who else can I discuss the finer points of Spiderman 2 with than fifteen 7 and 8 year olds.  I saw it on Sunday night, and its really, really, really good, in case you were wondering.    


  • At 10:39 pm, Blogger TJ said…

    hiya, read your blog at random... noticed you are from the u.k. i'm half english (if you care)but live in the states. well, i wouldn't feel right without saying goodbye, so bye

  • At 3:45 pm, Blogger Anthobuzz said…

    Heya Laura! I honestly wish I could say the same about my job. it seems it's been pick on me week, and i'm glad it's almost over and the head honcho's can move onto someone else! And don't worry about deleting my comment...i know the intention was good! :)

    p.s - finally got around to adding a link to your blog!


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