And its raining. A lot. Went out to Broadway last night (the club, not the place where Donny Osmond is still making a living) and got suitably drunk. Spent a bloody fortune as well. So I'm not going to be spending any more money for ever. At least until my student loan comes through on the 22nd, anyway. However, despite last night's drunken state, I woke up this morning suprisingly hangover free. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, as it were, and being how the sun was actually shining when I got up, although that one quickly changed, I decided to take my lovely dog Bryn (said Brin, means 'hill' in Welsh, not entirely sure the relevance of that to the dog though) to the beach, the same one me and the boyf went to the other day. There was a bit of a difference in it today compared to last Tuesday, though. The weather, mostly. When we went last week there was a slight breeze and blazing sun. Today, however, the sun was nowhere in sight, there was a distinct haze (oxymoron?) of drizzle in the air, and a bloody gale blowing. Where the sand was dry and loose it was like a sandstorm, when I tried to shout back my dog, who was at several points about a mile ahead of me, my voice, and breath, were taken away and I occasionally had to seriously struggle to stay upright. It was bloody fantastic. And I really don't mean that sarcastically. It was really nice lying there the other day basking in the sun and being able to make out Anglesey, Puffin Island and the Great Orme clearly in the distance, but somehow it was even nicer only being able to see them through a mist. It gave it atmosphere, especially with the huge Conwy mountains looming behind me. Walked all the way along the beach from Conwy marina to round Penmaenbach head. Quite an accomplishment for me, I'll tell you now. I know how lucky I am to live where I do, as the area itself is so lovely and Snowdonia and all that are only a short drive away. Its brought home to me even more when I'm in Leeds. There's no sea around for miles for one thing, and because I obviously don't know the area as well as I do here yet, I don't know of any good places for a good walk just yet. When I decided to go to Leeds Uni, I said to my mum that I had the city for shopping and the moors and dales for my soul. I've definitely made the most of the shopping, just need to explore Yorkshire a bit more. All in all, I really enjoyed the beach today. The only thing was, my wet feet. I shall explain. I let Bryn run free on the beach off the lead cos I'd feel mean not letting him explore, but he has a habit off running straight for the nearest dog to play, as he thinks every dog is his friends, be they terrier or rottweiler. But because it was so windy he couldn't hear me calling him back. When I finally got hold of him again I discovered that he'd only gone and bloody lost his collar. I made him walk to heel then but felt really mean, so we went to the only place where there were no other dogs for him to run after - right out to where the sea actually was, as it was really far out today. We were running along the length of sea for ages. I'm telling you, it did actually look like something from a Disney movie or something, me and my dog running together along the beach and amongst the waves. Just needed an instrumental in the background to complete the scene. But after 20 minutes or so, I turned around - and the sea had started to come in around us. The only was to get back to other side of the beach was to wade across about half a mile of ankle deep sea. Doesn't sound a lot when you're reading it. When you're actually doing it, its a different matter. The dog had a brilliant time though. And so did I, apart from the squelchy feet I came home with.
About Me
- Name: Laura
- Location: United Arab Emirates
I like medieval history, the paranormal, telly soaps, celebrity gossip, cats, chocolate, and tea. I don't like being cold, housework or football.
Welsh and Wonderful!
- Hairy Tales
- Normal Again
- How's Huw?
- Artificial Stress
- The Gospel According to Rhys
- Abergaz
- Green Pastures, Still Waters
I'm Reading ...
- Struggling Author
- Switzerlady
- The Lovely Jonathan
- Minkleberry
- My Decreasingly Random Life
- Ms. Mac's Meanderings
- Andrea Knapp - A Ropey Old Bird in Ohio.........
- Forever Frally
- I wasn't always like this...
- Of Insignificant Importance
- Meg Wood
- Belgian Waffle
- Shaine
- How Is Jack?
- A Heartbeat Away
- Brit Boi
- Phoenista
I'm Watching...
Get Your Gossip Here...
Boy Toys
- Richard
- The Armitage Army
- Richard Armitage Yahoo Group
- Gerard Butler
- Jonathan Cake
- Joaquin Phoenix
- Drew Fuller
At 5:37 pm, Laura said…
Alas I have yet to master that particular computer-related art yet. I did take my camera actually, but unfortunately it was a crappy disposable. Don't know if its possible to put photos from a disposable onto a blog. I'll look into it.
At 10:36 pm, K said…
Hey Laura.
Aye - your not alone, though I thought we were - me, rach and lorraine also have blogs, thought I have to nag them to get them to post... Anyway prompted to post by the picture question. First if you don't have a scanner get the photos put onto a disc - i think it costs a bit more, but you don't loose any of the pictures (handy). Once you've got the pic's on your computer you need to download the Hello software and then you just use the blogbot thing. Is quite simple. Plus you can use the hello thing to swop pics with ppl. Anyway thats my helpful tip for the day. SO hows you?
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