Sunday, September 19, 2004

Well, this is it. I'm back off to Leeds this afternoon and will actually be a Welsh Girl In Leeds again! Have to pack now, so just a quick post to explain why I probably won't be as regular a poster as usual for a bit. No Internet access in the new house! How am I going to cope?! Only live 5 minutes from the uni and all its many computers though, so hopefully shouldn't be too bad. Need to get online as soon as poss though, because when I came in drunk on Friday night I , for some reason, bid on eBay for an original poster and LP of The Eagles' 1970s album, Hotel California. So need to keep an eye on it, as I am the one and only bidder, (can't think why) and need to know if I'm going to have to pay for airmail frm America for it. Oh, and so far the hgihest bid for my WWE tickets is 99p. REALLY hope that one goes up just a bit. So anyways, till Leeds.....!


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