As greatful as Poppy (the hamster) is for all this attention, I have to ask myself, why does a small furry rodent get more commenting attention than lots of sweaty, muscly living-legend wrestlers? Is something wrong with this picture? Or just with me? Hmm.
Interesting weekend spent doing a variety of things at varying levels of productivity. Yesterday morning was spent at the STAR Saturday club for second generation Sudanese refugee children, and a lot of fun was had. The children are absolutely insane and very little homework (the object of the group really) was actually done, but the boys showed off their football skills to fine effect, and I played numerous games of 'hangman' with a film theme.
I had every intention of doing lots of work yesterday afternoon, but I decided to do some housework and once I started I couldn't seem to stop, and between me, the boyf and one of the other two of us who lives here, we thouroughly cleaned our humble home, much to my warped satisfaction. Either turning into Monica Geller-hyphen-Bing, or my mum (sorry Mum, not necassarily a bad thing - sparkly house).
Today intensively conditioned my hair (all nice and shiny) and then spent several hours in the rather chilly library reading up on the causes of the English Civil War, curled up in my poncho, fashion victim that I am. And now off to watch Alfie in t'cinema! Jude Law! Mmm. So yeah, productive weekend! On a number of levels.
Interesting weekend spent doing a variety of things at varying levels of productivity. Yesterday morning was spent at the STAR Saturday club for second generation Sudanese refugee children, and a lot of fun was had. The children are absolutely insane and very little homework (the object of the group really) was actually done, but the boys showed off their football skills to fine effect, and I played numerous games of 'hangman' with a film theme.
I had every intention of doing lots of work yesterday afternoon, but I decided to do some housework and once I started I couldn't seem to stop, and between me, the boyf and one of the other two of us who lives here, we thouroughly cleaned our humble home, much to my warped satisfaction. Either turning into Monica Geller-hyphen-Bing, or my mum (sorry Mum, not necassarily a bad thing - sparkly house).
Today intensively conditioned my hair (all nice and shiny) and then spent several hours in the rather chilly library reading up on the causes of the English Civil War, curled up in my poncho, fashion victim that I am. And now off to watch Alfie in t'cinema! Jude Law! Mmm. So yeah, productive weekend! On a number of levels.
At 9:04 pm, Tooting bird said…
Hello. Thanks for your comment. Thought I'd seek you out. Loved the hamster, scared by the wrestling, jealous of "nice and shiney" hair. Haven't been to the hairdresser here yet as I don't dare, so I look like a soft rock star.
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