Monday, June 27, 2005

Interesting things. Right. Well today, I've done two interesting things. First of all, me and mum cycled along the prom from Old Colwyn to Penrhyn Bay and back again. Fairly insignificant, you may think, but it was a good 8 miles round trip, in boiling hot sun, and I am usually far from the most active of people. So not only was it quite an achievement, it was great fun. The sea was in and a bit choppy so it was great cycling right along next to it, with the sky so blue as well. I really wish I'd thought to take my camera as I would have had some great photos. Next time, maybe.

Second interesting thing may not interest everyone, but I found it quite interesting. One of the girls I work with in the pub, and who I get along best with, is from Belarus (thats in between Poland and Russia for those who, like me, have no idea where Belarus is) and is staying here in Wales working for a year. When we were having our break, in between end of serving and starting clearing up, we were sat outside with our pints of lime and soda water (cos its the only thing we don't have to pay for) and one of the regulars, John, a lovely old man whose wife has recently died and comes in mostly just for a chat and some company, sat with us and, somehow, we got to talking about the post-Communist political state of Belarus. It really was very interesting, but I'm not sure how interesting others might find it, so I'll give you the highlights -

  • In Belarus people work twice the hours that people work here, for a fraction of the money. For example, my friend's mother is a doctor and earns just - prepare yourselves here - £200 ... A MONTH.
  • Belarus is smack in the middle of Europe and Russia has to cross it to get anywhere else to the West, and Belarus is currently under threat from potential invasion from Russia because that would be cheaper for Russia than constantly having to go round Belarus (I may have misunderstood that, but I think its right).
  • And Belarus' president is practically a dictator who is not, by EU law, allowed to go into another EU country or meeting (like the G8, for example) and has changed the country's constitution in order to be able to stay in office for an extra term.

So there - all you ever needed to know about Belarus.

I thought it was interesting, anyway.


  • At 5:05 pm, Blogger Curly said…

    Belarus certainly sound like a very interesting place indeed! I've yet to meet a Belarussian (correct word?), not doubt when I do I can dazzle them with these amazing facts!


  • At 9:34 pm, Blogger Laura said…

    well, never say i don't do anything for you guys!

  • At 9:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I read this blog and I learn new things -- you're like the Intelligent Blogger :)


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