Thursday, January 12, 2006

I am completely stealing an idea from Huw now.

Apparently it is delurking week, so I am going to take a risk and assume that there are some (at least one, maybe?) readers out there who visit but never comment. Actually, I know that there is at least one, because I have recently received an email from said lurker, which was very nice, being as self-obsessed as I obviously am. I mean, I have a blog. All about me.

I am aware that there is a risk of this falling flat on its arse and the blog, and therefore me, is revealed as the uninteresting drivel we all know it really is but pretend otherwise for my self-esteem, and NO ONE comments. Apart from my few but cherished regular commentors.

I know that lurkers do exist, because I am one myself. There's at least 3 blogs that I check everyday, and loads more that I check in on from time to time, but have never commented on.

So go on. You know you want to.


  • At 9:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just letting you know there are lurkers out there. But where am i we and will you ever hear from me again? You'll have to wait and see.

  • At 11:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Once in awhile I like to see what you're up to. I'm originally from England, have lived in the states for "decades" (or since I was young)... enjoy seeing pic's when you post your travels. There is nothing like the country side you can only see in the UK...
    Thanks for sharing, hope you continue to do well at school...

  • At 12:59 pm, Blogger Curly said…

    Okay, Okay. I read you from time to time...

  • At 4:52 pm, Blogger Huw said…

    Well, you could have at least commented on mine! Haarumph!

    My request sort of didn't work - only 3 of about 15 regular lurkers outed themselves - and the rest of my commenting readers thought it was an invitation to spew forth with their usual drivel. Plebs.

  • At 6:01 pm, Blogger Laura said…

    I comment on yours anyway so I thought it would just be defeating the object! Wouldn't want to be a pleb, after all.

  • At 6:03 pm, Blogger Huw said…

    Ah yes. Good point.

  • At 1:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm a comment whore and so completely don't fall under the Lurking category but here I am anyway!

  • At 4:12 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    It's my second visit here. I'm not a lurker, just haven't commented yet. And for all those who commented anonymously - you had better watch out! It might be a crime to do so... Seriously... I think the Wash Post reported on it..

  • At 5:13 pm, Blogger K said…

    I don't think I'm a lurker since I post, but sometimes I read and i don't post, so i suppose then I could be a lurker... Being a potential lurker makes me feel like a peepin tom.

  • At 10:18 am, Blogger Marie said…

    I am so utterly not a lurker it's unbelievable, but hello all the same!

  • At 8:24 pm, Blogger Sam said…

    I just followed Marie here from her site, but I thought you might appreciate the comment. I'm not one to remain quiet in any situation. Unless I've done something wrong.

    Shall definitely come back, though.


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