Friday, April 28, 2006

I'm alive!! Well, I feel alive now anyway. For a while back there, approximately 2 weeks ago, I was really losing the will to live. But on Monday I handed in my dissertation. All 52 pages and 12,093 words of it. Hopefully, it was good enough for me to achieve that 2:1 these past 3 years have all been about. And today I handed in the last ever essay of my Leeds University career. It was an easy essay to write, and I think that had a lot to do with writing the dissertation. My writing and analysis skills have been perfectly honed. I hope.

I can't believe how close it all is to coming to an end. In less than 3 weeks I've got my first exam. Actually, in less than 3 weeks I've got all my exams, because they're on the 16th, 17th and 18th of May. Cheers exam coordinators!!

In a lot of ways, I'm looking forward to finishing and leaving. Student life has been fun, obviously, but, and I can't believe I'm going to say this, I need to get some structure back in my life. Not getting up until nearly midday is starting to get really, really old. I don't think its neccassarily the case for everybody, but I think it is possible to outgrow being a student. Although, that may be the pressure of a dissertation, an essay, usual weekly reading, and the impending 3 most important exams I've ever sat talking. And I am sure that once I do venture out into the real world, these heady day will seem like the best time of my life. But then again, I do have another degree waiting for me in the not so distant future, so if that is the case, I can always retreat back to studentdom.

Easter was an interesting holiday. Although I did have the dissertation to write, and no money, I somehow still managed to have a good time. I didn't do any work over Easter weekend, and instead did some family day-trip type things, and really enjoyed it. I've felt a lot closer to my brother and sister over Easter as well. My sister will be 16 in September, but has been cooler than me for a long time, and I've really enjoyed spending Easter with her. We've both also felt closer to my brother as well. She even said 'I like him now, he's a lot nicer of a brother these days', and I agreed. Not that he was ever particualrly horrible (all the time), but instead of the usual sibling bickering, we can all have proper conversations and have things in common with each other. I think we might all actually be growing up. The dynamics have really changed with us, just over the past 6 months. I was always the bossy oldest, my sister was the baby who irritated my brother and was babied by me, and my brother was the unfortunate boy stuck in the middle, and with the two of us being so close in age we always used to fight. But now we're all friends, and I'm starting to see how we'll all be with each other when we're 'proper' grown-ups.

So, one last relaxing weekend without any work to do, and then the exam revision starts! Can't bloody wait.


  • At 1:05 pm, Blogger Ollie said…

    I finished uni as of this week. It's scary. Satisfying in some respects, but now it's just me against the big bad world.

    Know how you feel about the dissertation too. I was so proud of myself once I had it bound and looking professional.

    Well, i wish you all the best from here on. Let's hope these past 3 years of our lives are going to finally pay off!

  • At 11:24 pm, Blogger Amy said…

    Hey, glad to have you back! Well done for the diss - as previously mentioned mine was the biggest load of twaddle ever but even that managed to look nice when it was bound! I'm so glad I don't have to do one for this course! You can definitely grow out of the student life thing though - I'm considering going to Germany in a few weeks with the Christian Union but part of me just thinks "been there, done that" and can I really be bothered to have to handle all the pretending to be a happening student (as opposed to a "mature" - urgh! - student)?! It's Germany, though and I go weak at the knees at the thought... Will have to dig out my stripy tights, or whatever it is "real" students seem to wear down here!
    Don't forget your blogbreaks in exam revision will you?!

  • At 1:09 pm, Blogger Ollie said…

    without a doubt, i'm a shark!! xxx

  • At 12:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aww, I can't believe you're gonna finish uni! I've only ever known you being a student. I'm sure you'll love the "real world" though ;)

  • At 10:45 am, Blogger Curly said…

    Well done on finishing the dissertation, I've never done one in my life but I've seen what they do to people... they almost disappear from the face of the planet for a few months, then emerge wanting to celebrate like there was no tommorow, before collapsing in a heap and sleeping, usually until about mid-day.

  • At 1:36 pm, Blogger Laura said…

    Yep ... that sounds about right!!

  • At 1:31 am, Blogger Marie said…

    Mid-day? Substitute 'middle of next year' and you've just about got it...

    Well done Laura!

  • At 4:46 am, Blogger Jack and Nicholas said…

    Thanks for stopping by today, and congrats on the 12,000 words.

  • At 5:57 pm, Blogger Steven said…

    Congatulations Laura, and I wish you only the very best. Steven

  • At 6:53 pm, Blogger Amy said…

    I tagged you on my blog to do a meme so whenever your evil exams are over... xx


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