Ok, its official, I'm crap at updating regularly. I don't really know why this is the case as,
as has been discussed elsewhere, its not as if I have a life or anything. Due to shortage of funding, lots of work and general lack of enthusiasm, I have been out for a night out, apart from my birthday, obviously, just the once so far this semester. And with funds look more and more, shall we say,
difficult, its looking like it'll be the
only night out, AND I'M NOT EVEN REALLY BOTHERED. Bloody hell, I've hit 21 and may as well be signing up for my pension and bus pass. Before I know it I'll be 30, and then I may as well be dead!
I think that the most pressing issue that has taken place since I last updated was the revelation that Zoe was, as I accurately predicted, indeed the Summer Bay Stalker. Really, I could see it coming a mile off. That whole faked kidnapping and murder thing she had going on didn't fool me for a second. Really, that Peter - perhaps the worst *detective* ever. As for my outstanding detecting skills, all I can say is that all that watching of The Bill has really paid off.
The (other) most significant development recently has been my car dying on me while I was at home this weekend, which resulted in me having to use, the shame of it,
public transport. I had to get a
train back to Leeds yesterday. Oh the horror. Thankfully, though, when I go home again this weekend (by train AGAIN) it will be all fixed and well again. Really though, I'm not that much of a transport-snob, but it does take a bit of getting used to when I've always been able to drive door-to-door before.
Also, last night, in the spirit of Halloween and all, me and the girls went on a jaunt up to York, went on a spooky ghost walk, and had a drink in The Golden Fleece pub, the most haunted pub in Britain and as featured on Most Haunted. In fact, they were even playing the said Most Haunted episode in there on a big screen all night, which we watched some of.
Right now I am going back to working on my *yawn* dissertation proposal *yawn* for a few more hours here in the dusty old library that I am typing to you from. I shall be back soon! I promise this time!
One more thing -
Ys - I am afraid it can not possibly have been me, for the following reasons -
- I was not in Newcastle Emlyn on the weekend. Or ever, in fact, now I come to think of it.
- My car actually has purple cushions on the back seat, not pink.
I love how you went to have another look to make sure though!