Yes, folks, it was that bad. Some readers who have seen it may disagree with me (men, I'd hazard a guess), but in my opinion, it was horrific. Now, this doesn't neccassarily mean it was bad. Yes, there were several scenes where I had my coat over my head, my hands over my ears and was actually crying with the horror (what can I say? I've never really been a fan of torture). Yes, there were at least two points when I actually thought I was going to have to leave the screen and sit out the film in the foyer. However, unlike most other gory horror films, this one actually made me think. Not to spoil it for those of you who still want to go and see it even after reading this, or indeed those of you who have now been spurred on to go and see it, but the circumstances that surround and result in the torture and gore could really, actually, probably already are, happen. Yes, thought-provoking indeed. But still very, very horrible.
Needless to say it took me literally hours to get to sleep last night. Even more than when I saw The Hills Have Eyes a few weeks ago. Why do I do it to myself, you ask? Well, after four years of making Tim see fluffy chick-flicks and romantic comedies it is, I suppose, the least I can do. And also, scary movies are a bit like rollercoasters. You know its going to be scary, and you hate feeling scared, but at the same time the scaryness is also really quite fun.
In other news, I am indeed at home in Wales at the moment for the Easter holidays, not that it'll be a holiday (see second to last post). I have spent the past two days finishing off my dissertation notes and then staring at the computer screen hoping it will throw some inspiration at me. The thing was, I knew exactly what I wanted to say, but it was the actually starting it that was proving the problem. However, today I just thought sod it, sat down at my computer and just typed whatever came into my head. I then went back and deleted the random crap I had just written, but the barrier had been broken and I was off! However, the barrier didn't break until approximately 9pm, so I have only written about 500 words so far, but I am confident that from tomorrow the writing of the other 11,500 words will be, I really, truly hope, easy.
Here's hoping.